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Balanced cantilever bridge project – Rader Hochbrücke / BAB A7

Balanced cantilever bridge project – Rader Hochbrücke / BAB A7

We are thrilled to announce that Strukturas started mobilisation of the Special Balanced Cantilever Formwork tailored to the unique engineering challenge of Implenia.

The new Rader bridge Key facts:

✔️1,500m long and 42m high.

✔️Concrete in situ: 49,815 m³

✔️Reinforcement Civil: 9,079 t

✔️Precast Concrete: 1,890 m³

What is special about Strukturas solution?

  • Tailored for Concreting the massive and geometrically narrow complex hammerhead to extend additional long and heavy segments using the balanced cantilever method.
  • Prepared for the installation by incremental launching of a steel deck that will seamlessly overlay the partially concreted hammerhead.
  • Allows continued concreting the hammerhead under the steel deck, integrating it with the deck while maintaining full support and precision.
  • This innovative solution minimise crane and labour needs through hydraulic adjustments, while keeping the Special Form Traveller in place to ensure precise geometry and alignment.

Stay tuned for this project and follow us on social media to updates.