The story of legendary MSS Drammensvogna – 50 years in action
Last week we signed one more MSS redesign contract with Skanska, who owns legendary MSS Drammensvogna.
This time it shall be used at bridge Vadløkkjbrua on the E6 south of Trondheim, Norway.
Vadløkkjbrua will be the 19th project made with this MSS!
MSS Drammensvogna, one of the first MSS was builded in 1973 for Norway the motorway bridge in Drammen, Norway.
The E18 motorway bridge in Drammen is a four-lane girder bridge on the E-18 that crosses the outlet of the Drammen river between Brakerøya and Bangeløkka. The bridge has free spans of up to 60 meters and a sailing height of up to 12 metres.
Until now it is the longest bridge in Norway – 1,890 meters!
Revolutionary MSS technology has proven its productivity.
The contractor for the bridge was Ingeniør Thor Furuholmen A/S, one of the largest companies in Norway at the time. They later merged with Ing. F. Selmer A/S to Selmer – Furuholmen AS, which today is Skanska Norge AS.
In collaboration with the consulting company Taugbøl & Øverland A/S (now COWI), the MSS was designed and put into production.
Construction work began in the autumn of 1973. The span by span casting of the bridge deck was carried out with a newly developed type of MSS, 131 meters long (800 tonnes weight), which enabled full casting at a speed of up to 100 meters of bridge per 14 days. Bridge deck has been casted 4 weeks before end of construction schedule.
Since that time the MSS Drammensvogna has been redesigned for many bridge projects in Nordic countries as underslung and overhead MSS.
On the engineering side, competence on the equipment has been maintained internally at Skanska, and there has also been good cooperation with for the consulting with us – company Strukturas as.
All the projects accomplished with the Drammensvogna MSS:
1. E18 Drammen Drammensbrua 1973-75
2. E39 Kristiansand Gartnerløkka bridge 1978
3. Stockholm Johanneshov Bridge 1981-83
4. Strømstad Skee bridge 1986
5. E6 Oslo Lodalen bridges 1986-87
6. Sweden Obbola bridge 1988-89
7. Molde Bolsøy Bridge 1990
8. Skien Menstad bridge 1990-91
9. Askøy Askøy Bridge 1990
10. Storeklubben, Askøy Storeklubben viaduct 1989
11. Troms Dyrøy Bridge 1994
12. Porsgrunn Frednesbrua 1994-95
13. Gardermobanen Mork/Nessa/Kvisldalen 1995-96
14. Sykkylkven Sykkylvsbrua 1999-2000
15. E18 Drammen Parallel motorway bridge 2003-2004
16. E16 Bagn Bagn bridge 2017
17. Nordøyvegen Lauke and Hamnaskjersund bridge 2020-21
18. E16 Bjørum-Skaret Isielva bridges 2022-24
19. Vadløkkjbrua on the E6 south of Trondheim 2024-25
Founder of Strukturas Tore Gjølme has followed this MSS since the beginning and will participate also at the 19th project for Drammensvogna.
He is 78 years old and still going strong!

Credits to Statens vegvesen – Norwegian Public Roads Administration
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