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Strukturas MSS approved as safe construction method to build bridge over the railway

Strukturas MSS approved as safe construction method to build bridge over the railway

The Bane NOR – Norwegian National Rail Administration has approved Strukturas MSS – Movable Scaffolding System as a safe construction method to build the bus road bridge over the railway line in Stavanger.

Movable Scaffolding System - MSS
MSS over the railway

The joint venture of Risa AS and Contur AS, with COWI as adviser, won the competition to build the Bussveien through Jåttåvågen, between Vaulen and Gausel in Stavanger.

The implementation of Strukturas as overhead MSS allows the railway to remain open throughout most of the construction period.
There is thus no need for a separate safety culvert over the railway, and train traffic can run while the biggest part of the concrete works is in progress.
When a contractor has to cast concrete or launch the overhead MSS over the railway they have to do it while there is no train traffic.

But they can do this work either at night when there is no train traffic or in periods where Bane NOR has approved stoppages in train traffic over several days. 
But most of the time concrete workers can work inside of the Strukturas as overhead MSS with ongoing traffic below.

If we had built in the usual way with traditional formwork, we would have had to secure the railway with a safety culvert and take additional safety measures to safeguard train traffic and other traffic under the bridge while the work is in progress, says Per Ove Stokkeland, project manager in Rogaland fylkeskommune .

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